November 12th,2012
So much has happened since March that has cast further doubt on the true identity of my visitor it is hard to know where to start with it all. The last odd incident occurred in May. Nothing was removed from my brother's deck but my immediate neighbor had six yellow peanut M&M's left in a row on her front door step. Our homes face directly west so the morning sun hadn't reached them yet to melt them when they were found. They couldn't have been there long as the temperatures were already getting up in the high 90's by this time of year. One possibility is the repair man who was here recently to clean the gutters. I wonder what the issue is with yellow M&M's? It seems odd to leave them on the step like that but people are really strange as I've since found out. We have no small children in our community that wonder around unattended. Oh well...just more weirdness as usual.
I left the forum in general disgust this past May after suffering abuse from a garden variety sociopath that was also a member there, and I was subsequently banned at a later date for having the temerity to attempt to defend myself. I've since lost contact with anyone that I might, and might being the big IF here, have received assistance from in regards to equipment. Bigtex never came through, neither did any of the other researchers that promised to loan game cams. This seems to be typical of the community, lots of talk and no real effort applied to anything other than what is in their immediate area. I don't think you can depend on anyone very much in regards to bigfoot world. Maybe that's a lesson well worth learning as far as judging the validity of what little in the way of evidence ever gets put out for public inspection. We have very little to talk about these days as the hope for the DNA study steadily dies with no word or further progress in that direction and everyone waits for Dr. Sykes results.
I did happen to meet a biologist that teaches DNA extraction in one of his lab classes at a community college out west with some very good connections to reference laboratories for sequencing. We decided to utilize my facebook contacts and his contacts to solicit biological samples for free testing rather than waiting on everyone else's results to be published. Not one person followed through with the offer. My conclusions are that either the amount of evidence is not equal to the frequency of reported sightings therefore it puts many reports in question. My alternative conclusion is that there are deeper psychological ramifications to this phenomenon in that people don't want to take a chance and get confirmation that what they thought was a special relationship with something "other" really doesn't exist. One poor guy I spoke with is convinced that he has bigfoot living in a city park that he has visited since childhood based on a verbal DNA report he received about hairs he submitted for analysis; no history of a visual, no footprints associated with his find, nothing but some dubious stick structures that were attributed to bigfoot. It's really sad to hear these stories and there are many more of these folks out there just like him, please don't let me become one of them.
Another shocking blow occurred after I left the community in May. I managed to reconnect with one of the two remaining siblings of my father.After catching up I broached the subject of my father's sighting and according to my aunt it didn't happen the way I was always told. No one is sure exactly what happened to my father that day but it was her opinion that the stories of the boogers were created to protect my grandfather's still and the revenue he earned by taking shipments of moonshine to New Orleans during prohibition and the depression. So what is true? My foundation for belief is gone, one more hole in the dam has been plugged to keep my sense of proportion intact.
So enough about history and politics, there have been some things that have occurred starting on October 6th. I was out on my deck past midnight looking at the moon rise over the river. It was at that perfect arc in the sky where it made the river look like a silver ribbon, just beautiful, so I stayed out longer than I intended until the affect passed. It was warm and muggy, no wind. I kept hearing rustling down below the edge of the cliff but it's time for the deer to migrate so I thought nothing of it. As I stood there looking at the sky I could hear acorns hitting the side of the building and observed a couple of them, one still attached to a small twig with leaves as it bounced off my neighbor's deck just to my immediate right. Still, it's fall and I really didn't think much of it until I went outside the next morning. The nearest oak tree is 30 feet away from me and to the right of my deck that is tucked back in behind my neighbor's deck. There is no way that acorns could fall in my direction with no wind. Something had to have been throwing them, then it made me wonder if it was coming from the tree. Was something up in the trees throwing acorns at me? Can squirrels do that? Needless to say the tree limbs got trimmed back and the brush cut from the cliff the next week. No more incidents have occurred since then.
On Nov. 1st my brother discovered his storage room door had been opened again during the night. Hurricane Sandy had passed us by several days before then so there was no wind that could cause it to open, nothing seemed to be taken or bothered. On Nov. 4th , in the early hours after midnight I was still up and my kitchen window happened to be open. I heard a distant scream coming from the northwest of me which is the direction that the Broad River flows from. It was LOUD and far away, it was quickly followed by coyote and dogs howling for miles around then nothing, dead silence. So that's it, nothing spectacular so far but just a few things that seem odd with no real explanation for them.