Well whatever is visiting is back again. Odd things have been happening around here for the last couple of weeks. My constant state of denial keeps me from trying to read too much into these events. They don't seem sasquatch related until you look at them in total, taken separately, they mean nothing. That may be the problem with those who think they are being visited by bigfoot. One thing leads to another and builds upon the last event until this bigger than life drama is swirling around in your mind. Everything begs the question, is this really significant or just random?
I'm disillusioned by everything that is the bigfoot world. I realized that after awhile the company you keep will rub off on you further creating that sense of isolation and disorientation. I think it really hit home in the past month that this is something I'm going to have to figure out for myself, there will be no help, no one has any answers that you didn't already figure out for yourself no matter how much they beat upon their chest and claim otherwise.
So on with the story, two weeks ago the lady who lives alone at the end of our row of condos suddenly decided to move. She commented as she was loading her moving truck that this was the weirdest, darkest, most horrible place she had ever lived and she couldn't take another minute of it and was leaving. She took the basics, left the rest, locked up, and I've not seen her since that Saturday morning. I attributed her frantic behavior to her emotional state at the time since her father had just passed away. None of the neighbors or I had ever had any problems with this person so I thought it was an odd remark to make regardless of the reason, bigfoot did not immediately come to mind.
Last Friday I was out on my deck at 10:30pm smoking a cigarette before heading up to bed. As I was out there I happened to catch a flicker of light down on the river bottom at the edge of the water. I could hear rustling and the plop of something in the water. I had a moment of courage so I started whooping at whatever it was to see if I would get a reaction. The two lights swing around in my direction, duck, and sway as it tries to see where the noise( me) is coming from. I go over to my brothers to get him to look for it but he sees nothing. Unfortunately, once I cut into the howler monkey call the neighbor steps out on the deck next door to see what I'm doing. I just told him that someone was down there fishing at night. If it was a person, I'm sure my calls intimidated him into leaving the area immediately. One can only imagine if the shoe were on the other foot, so to speak.
Early that morning a hard rain hit at about 4am totally obliterating any prints I might have found so I wait until the afternoon to go check on things. I walk down the game trail until I get to a point where I can see my deck from the river bottom. There is a rock there covered in fish scales, two beer cans are at the base of the rock so I just dismiss this as a night fisherman that had an LED flashlight. I'm kind of relieved to know that humans are actually down there at night since it means that there is a stronger possibility that the bigfoot hypothesis is null.
This past Wednesday afternoon I was visiting my brother. We were watching all of the bigfoot shows that they were running on the channels that afternoon/evening and drinking coffee. We were actually talking about other things and only half way listening to the television. I left after about an hour and walked back to my place. Five minutes later John comes running into my house because it seems there was a strange earthquake at his place. I didn't feel or hear anything in my house. He said it was a vibration that slowly built into a crescendo and vibrated his windows in the living room. I suspected the plumbing but our pipes are PVC and they don't vibrate like that. We investigated outside, under the decks, under his condo, went and looked in his bathrooms for leaks, flushed toilets, and even went up into the attic to look for the source of the vibration, and we found nothing obvious.
Today, my brother calls me at work and asked me to come home for lunch, he didn't want to get into it on the phone so I assumed some kind of "house falling apart" emergency had developed because of the noise he heard the previous afternoon. I get there and he is upset, it seems something had finally taken the cigarette bait I left out the previous October. Ironically enough, I had just e-mailed Bigtex to see if the camera set up was ready but it wasn't. I was going to go ahead and try to get things together before their return, it seems with the warm weather, they have arrived early. The plastic cover I used to cover the bait was knocked over, whatever it was pulled the magnets off of the sasquatch refrigerator magnet and stuck them to the metal plant stand. The ash try had also been cleaned out.
I had been thinking through a back up plan. I will try to borrow some game cams from my coworkers. There was an interesting you tube video on how primates like their reflections, assuming bigfoot is a primate, I was going to try improvising something like he did in the video to capture this thing or person's attention and hopefully get a picture. Here is the link to his video if interested:
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